Amy Bragdon, Inspirational Author

Finding Beauty For Ashes

Everyone has trials in their lives, turning points where they either become bitter due to experiences or pick themselves up and move on. Amy Bragdon, the author of a new book, Beauty For Ashes, has faced numerous challenges in her life that she has had to overcome. From tragic circumstances, Amy forged a life full of accomplishments. She hopes others will find inspiration and encouragement to never give up in her book Beauty For Ashes.

Losing a family member at a young age, as Amy did, can result in long-lasting despondency. Amy felt she had to bring herself back emotionally when her brother Alex passed away at a young age. A tragedy for her whole family. It was hard not to be angry and depressed.

Eventually, her faith and the encouragement of her fundamentalist apostolic Christian church family helped her and her family carry on. She learned that one of the best ways to overcome grief is to find a way to help others, and she began to dedicate her life to volunteer outreach and mission work.

As a result of her positive approach to life, Amy has achieved outstanding success in her multi-faceted career. I’m sure many, thinking her life is incredible, would like to ask her how. Many could look at Amy’s life as it is today and discount it as her luck in life. Unfortunately, many people who have suffered setbacks often look at those who are successful as having better circumstances than they ever had.

It is human nature to think,
If only this or that had happened …or not happened.
Things would be different now.

Introspection and faith through difficult times prompted Amy to write her book. She wants to give back and help those who need inspiration and encouragement to keep going. Amy believes we each have a responsibility to “Be the Change” we want to see in our world. Amy feels that if we choose to change our lives from the inside out, take one small step at a time, and keep going, we can be victors instead of victims.

Understanding how to pull themselves up after reaching devastating crossroads in life, we can find the ashes are not the end. You can begin to change. You can use the opportunity to open a new doorway through faith and prayer. You can exchange Beauty For Ashes!

Amy Bragdon

My motto in life is to live every day like it is your last;
Live, love, laugh and play.

If my book can help one person have a happier life, it will be worth it!”

Amy Bragdon

Book Launch and Signing May 13, 2023, at Fredericton Lighthouse Book Store.

Friends gather at the Book Launch and Signing with Amy Bragdon.
A photo at the Book Launch and Signing with Amy Bragdon, family, and friends.
Book Launch and Signing with Amy Bragdon, family, and friends photo.

Family, friends, and customers of Fredericton Lighthouse Book Store gathered to share in the excitement at the launch of Amy’s new book, Beauty for Ashes. Of course, Amy’s signature chocolate cupcakes were served as refreshments.

You can find Beauty For Ashes at these locations.

A Review: “Dear Amy, just finished your beautifully written book filled with love, faith, insight, and the unwavering value of true friends and family. Thank you for sharing a glimpse into your life, the hills, the valleys, and everything in between.
You have shown that through adversity, faith in the almighty and yourself can and will carry you through. The friendships you have forged through every chapter of your life and what they have meant to you allow the reader to look at their own friendships and appreciate them for their own uniqueness.
You should be very proud of your written achievement. I am sure this endeavor will inspire many who have the opportunity to read it.”


About Amy Bragdon’s Career

 After graduating high school, Amy spent a year as a Private in the Canadian Armed Forces 1RNBR Infantry. Basic training is not easy, but there, she learned to persevere. She graduated from the Atlantic Business College and later attended the Johnson & Wales University of Miami, Florida.

Amy Bragdon’s career has included numerous positions, such as eleven years as Youth Director onboard Carnival Cruise Lines. She also worked several jobs in the hospitality, sales, and travel advisor industries. She is currently a professional Real Estate Agent in Fredericton, New Brunswick, with Bragdon Realty—Exit Realty Advantage. She loves helping people find their homes. As of March 2023, Amy also works at World Vision Canada.

Amy believes we each have a responsibility to “Be the Change” we want to see in our world.
She has continued to give back throughout her career with her volunteer work.

From Mission Trips to aid sick and underprivileged children, church work, and with Helping Hands -taking groceries to shut-ins and providing transportation to appointments. Amy has helped fundraise for many worthy causes. She volunteers for events like the Chamber of Commerce, the 140 Good Deeds Program, and Habitat for Humanity. She is currently a Regional Engagement Advisor for World Vision Canada and is planning Mission Trips in the near future.

Giving Back to the Community

Amy Bragdon lives her own advice and rolls up her sleeves to get involved in charitable projects. Just seeing all she is involved in makes you wonder when she sleeps. But she finds energy in helping others.

Amy joined other volunteers on a Tour of Ottawa promoting World Vision Canada, which helps people make a global impact through child sponsorships, donations, and advocacy. Without a pause, she then participated in a Fredericton Global – The Freddylink 6K for Haiti, May 27, 2023. – “Water for families in the Morne Pelee community in Haiti.”

Images courtesy World Vision


“Amy is a shining star. She consistently excels at customer service, going above and beyond to make every client feel welcome, special, and appreciated. I’m proud to consider her one of the best people I’ve ever done business with.
Amy is an absolute delight to work with. She has such high energy and passion for her job that you cannot help but be energized around her. She is wonderful at what she does, brings outstanding results to her clients, and I would not hesitate to recommend her.”

Jennie Brown, IFC, CAIB, LLQP, Fredericton NB Canada

“Amy is a dedicated, bubbly, trustworthy, fun, hardworking sales manager. I’ve had the pleasure of working with Amy directly and have seen firsthand how she has grown in her role at Delta Fredericton. She constantly strives to overachieve and always gives 150%. She can be the first to arrive and last to leave our office. Definitely an asset to our Sales team!”

Kathryn Little, Senior Sales Executive at Delta Hotels by Marriott, Fredericton, NB Canada

Pick up your copy of Beauty For Ashes by Amy Bragdon today. It is an inspirational read.

Please note: The author of this post has received no financial remuneration
for mentions of creative people, books, products, places, or businesses mentioned in this post.

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