What does it take to be The Best Dad Ever? Anthony Rondeau wants to help!
Being a dad is great; your kids love you, and there are many great memories to be made. Family vacations, being there for your kid’s sports, guiding them, trying to instill a sense of belonging and character, becoming good citizens and being a loving dad, and much more.
Many first-time fathers inwardly wonder if they will cut it in this role. Will you do right by your kids? All the fears come to mind before fatherhood, whether a bundle is growing in your tummy or you are taking on the responsibilities of a stepdad.
Many fathers have had great role models, and many others have not. How will you do as a parent? It is a role you grow into one day at a time, and if you are determined to do the best for your kids, you will learn along the way. We all make a few mistakes.
Anthony Rondeau, author of the book “What I Know (so far) Best Dad Ever?”

WHAT I KNOW (so far) is about parenting through Life, Love, and Self Acceptance. Written with a tongue-in-cheek take and quite a bit of humor, Anthony shares the wisdom he has gained as a father.
We recommend this engaging and inspiring book for people of all ages. There is something everyone can learn and enjoy from reading this book.
Anthony Rondeau Website
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WHAT I KNOW (so far) is Available on Amazon & Barnes and Noble
“I continuously urge my kids to recognize their own motives, identify the herd before they follow it, speak up for what they believe in, and be as proud of themselves as I am of them.”
Anthony Rondeau
Anthony has written his book in a light-hearted and humble manner. His words epitomize the feelings of most guys when it comes to fatherhood. They have lots of theories, but what will stick? What will help mold their kids’ lives for the better?
Along the way, he learned many lessons in parenthood to share. Is what he says going to fit everyone? No, but there are so many good ideas that you can’t go wrong adopting much of his advice.
Anthony is what you would call “A Family Man!”
His wife and four children, with a large extended family circle, are the center of his world. As well as being a dad to his own kids, two sons and two daughters, he has been active as a “Big Brother” also.
Every dad wonders if what they say to their kids actually sinks in. You mean well, repeat yourself, and try to be a good example. But is it working?
With every feeling you have had some success, with every mistake you find out you’ve made, you can only hope your kids develop good character, stand up for themselves, and develop self-respect for their actions.
Your children and your community reflect many of your choices back to you. As a parent, one trait that shows if you are doing your job or not is introspection. Are you willing to learn from your mistakes, listen to others, and follow your inner voice that knows you are right?
Anthony routinely asks himself if he is brave enough to ask and listen. Because sometimes we don’t want to hear what someone else has to say.

Ultimately, when you take on the dad role, you want your kids to know three things.
- 1) Your Dad was there for YOU!
- 2) Your Dad was an excellent example to follow so you can have a good and well-lived life.
- 3) Whatever life throws at them, and it will, they know you love them.
Yes, you will receive your share of hugs and smiles and have moments where you shed tears and wonder if only I had said or done this instead. You will cry with them over hurts and missteps and yell hip-hip-hurrah over their successes.
“What I Know (so far)”
will help every dad be better!
You may not get many accolades from your kids growing up, but they will surely tell you how much you mean to them as time passes!
Please note: The author of this post has received no financial remuneration for mentions of creative people, books, products, places, or businesses mentioned in this post.
What Anthony’s Family Say
“His wisdom guides our lives. His passion, acumen, and intelligence motivate us to be more like him. He is a True “Warrior-Poet.”
– Ben And Nick, Anthony’s sons.
“Exciting, inspirational, and most admired, he is a leading and trusted authority on raising children. Our respect for him is boundless.”
Jill and Ali, Anthony’s daughters.
“He’s an idiot, but I love him. His best advice to our children is,”- “Dust yourself off, rub some dirt on it, and get back in the game.”
Beth Rondeau, Anthony’s wife.
If you are lucky, you will even have a pet dog or two, and one of them will also write you an endorsement.
Rooney, Anthony’s dog