2025 Update: It all begins with an Idea—a willingness to open up within. People are more than physical bodies and brains that are seemingly susceptible to frailties of one sort or another. There is an understanding that beyond nerves, bones, and blood, we are composed of something transcendental—a kind of Energy Field. Dr. Wiedershine practices energy work from a holistic and natural medicine perspective.

Listen to an interview with Dr. Wiedershine From Baker Health.

Interview 1 A video on YouTube
Baker Health interview on YouTube.
“Psychiatrist Turned Energy Healer”
The same interview is in listen-only podcast format link below.
Understanding that many of our problems in life are below the surface of what we can sometimes comprehend opens a door to finding other ways to heal. We are beings of light, or perhaps a better way to say this is that we are beings of Energy Flow.
About Energy Healing Sessions
See Dates for New Energy Healing Events
The first of several Oneness Day Sessions occurred on July 13, 2024. The in-person day of Energy Sessions was conducted at the Atmananda Yoga Legacy, a yoga studio in Astoria, Queens, New York City, NY. The response exceeded all expectations.

“The experience was beautiful. Meeting with the other energy specialists was like catching up with old friends. The atmosphere was light and calming.”
In the photo L to R: Eric Yu (participant),
Donn Wiedershine, M.D; Wendy Nackenson (energy specialist); Jeffrey Nackenson (energy specialist);
Inna Kulikova (participant).
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“The experience was beautiful. Meeting with the other energy specialists was like catching up with old friends. The atmosphere was light and calming. I was happy to see that the recipients were so open to receiving. Everyone I gave removing negativity energy reported feeling really calm and peaceful. It was the same for me. I am so glad we did this. I hope we will continue to bring this experience to others. Since Saturday, after giving and receiving energy, I have felt light with a deeper sense of clarity about myself.”

Comments From Participants
“Not knowing what to expect, I was pleasantly surprised. The yoga studio offered a very calming location in a very busy Astoria. During my first session, I noticed a fuzzy golden-ish ball where my third eye is. I don’t know what that means. I did not have that experience during my second session.”
“The day was spectacular, excluding the heat. Meeting in person with the other energy specialists was so impactful. Speaking to them was like talking to old friends. I felt a deep connection with each of them that brought me a lot of joy. The people that I gave the celestial energy to were also so special. I spoke to all of them prior and I felt a connection both in and out of the sessions. When I got home that night I felt blissful and an awakening of an inner calm. If I lived closer, I would definitely do more of these sessions. They are beneficial to the giver as well as to the receiver.” Wendy
“In taking the Celestial Energy Session the benefits I experienced were subtle. A feeling of an open mind, and positive thinking.”
“I felt an overwhelming energy shift during the Happiness Energy Session and afterward felt a vibration in my body. Almost giddy and really hungry! I felt a lighter quality to my body, and when I walked out to the street in Queens, a lot was whirling around me, but I was just walking through it without any sort of opinion of it. It was just stuff happening around me. Even though it was very hot outside, I had tremendous energy and was not affected by the heat. As of now, I still feel very good. I have tried to meditate and re-live some of that feeling I had in the meditation, but I have not been able to since. I’m curious to explore this further… there was one other time in my life that I had a similar situation but not since. Which really makes me think we are or I am not living to my full capacity as a human and not tapping into this energy enough. I don’t know if it’s just reserved for very few moments of knowing it’s there within me or if it’s something I must use more of.”
“I felt light and floating within myself after taking the Happiness Session.”
One individual who participated in the Removing Negativity Energy session said, “I felt more calm and relaxed.”
“The Removing Negativity Energy was very deep for me. During it, with my eyes closed, I saw colors of blues, greens, and some purple. I also felt I wanted to be there a bit longer in that state. The night of the energy work, I slept hard and well and woke up later than usual the next morning. The following day ( three days later), I still feel lighter and more present in my daily routines. I also feel more energized and motivated.”
About Dr. Donn Jay Wiedershine, MD.

Dr. Donn Jay Wiedershine, MD, New York City, began his career as a psychiatrist. A medical doctor (an M.D. or D.O.) who specializes in mental health, substance use disorders, and psychological problems. “Dr. Jay,” as he is affectionately called, sought other healing methods to help more of his patients overcome their problems. This led him to discover his life’s work, the art of Energy Healing. Through intuitive insights, he works with patients, removing energy blockages and transforming energy for physical, emotional, and spiritual healing.
Dr. Jay originally took this path to follow in his father’s footsteps in the caregiving field. He experienced an awakening or epiphany early in his career, realizing his intuitive faculty, which led him to practice yoga and meditation. Dr. Jay spent years learning ancient practices in India, the Philippines, and Europe. He has practiced natural medicine and also traveled throughout the U.S.A.
Celestial Energy Sessions, created by Dr. Donn Jay Wiedershine, MD, and performed by his trained Energy Healing Practitioner Associates, is for those who would like to bring heavenly energy into their life.
About The Energy Healing Sessions

Happiness Energy
Who would not want a dose of happiness?
Happiness Energy Sessions, created by Dr. Donn Jay Wiedershine, MD, and performed by his trained Energy Healing Practitioner Associates, are unique and highly effective.
Analogous to withdrawing money from the bank, these sessions uplift the spirit and are effective enough to help someone overcome clinical depression. One session can provide a feeling of happiness that can last for weeks.

Removing Negativity
Removing Negativity Energy Sessions, created by Dr. Donn Jay Wiedershine, MD, and performed by his trained Energy Healing Practitioner Associates, are among the most popular and effective sessions.
Life flows so much more beautifully without the weight of gloom or despair.
It can eliminate negative thoughts and emotions. The contrast between the negativity before the session and the lack of negativity after the session is often dramatic. We are what we think. Negativity suffocates the potential of your true self. A session leaves you with a fertile ground for experiencing life positively, allowing you to access all your potential more easily.

Celestial Energy
Celestial Energy Sessions, created by Dr. Donn Jay Wiedershine, MD, and performed by his trained Energy Healing Practitioner Associates, is for those who would like to bring heavenly energy into their life.
Beautifully uplift your mind, heart, and spirit.
Celestial energy often evokes a feeling of magic and wonder, like the joy and excitement of childhood.
Appreciate the people and surroundings in your life to a greater extent and feel more at home within yourself.

Surrender Energy
Surrender Energy Sessions, created by Dr. Donn Jay Wiedershine, MD, and performed by his trained Energy Healing Practitioner Associates, is about Surrender, considered the most powerful word in English.
Surrender at very deep levels opens all doors to the depths of spirituality.
These sessions transfer the energy of various levels of surrender. Recipients go beyond their present level of functioning, spiritually and emotionally, leading to a more expansive and boundless life.
What is an Energy Session like?
“I just had an energy session with Dr. Jay. The concept is new to me, so I wanted to learn more about it. It was painless, helpful, and insightful. Dr. Jay mentioned an experience in the deep ocean of infinite possibilities for all of us. All I can say is that he proved his intuitive capabilities in the insights he gave me.”
Testimonial by: Trina Astor-Stewart
If you’re ready to move some figurative boulders from your energy stream of awareness and personal capabilities, an interview session could help you.

Energy Healing Practitioners
Dr. Jay eventually developed a successful Deep Energy Transformation Program system with trained Energy Practitioner Specialists professionals.

Images in this article are Courtesy, Dr. Donn Jay Wiedershine, MD, unless otherwise credited.
“Dr. Jay’s Deep Energy Transformation℠ Practice is about Transforming Consciousness to Its Depth and Healing Through Deep Insight.”
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“We shall not cease from exploration
T.S. Eliot
And the end of all our exploring
Will be to arrive where we started
And know the place for the first time.”