An awakening to deep energy transformation and healing is helping many people who are seeking inner peace, purpose, and a connection to higher consciousness.
Newsworthy Happenings, Awesome People, Places and Events
Awakening To Oneness
It all begins with an Idea—a willingness to open up within. People are more than physical bodies and brains that are seemingly susceptible to frailties of one sort or another. There is an understanding that beyond nerves, bones, and blood, we are composed of something transcendental—a kind of Energy Field.
Lewiston Marble Orchard Ghost Walk
You won’t want to miss this immersive Theater-in-the-Streets Presentation by Marble Orchard Players
Farmers Market in Niagara Falls, New York
All about Niagara Falls, New York Farmer’s market.
God Bless America!
Thank God! Thank Heaven, Angels Intervened, and Trump was saved! God Bless America! Pray that nobler, kinder people once again keep the promise and freedom of America that our parents and grandparents believed in. May God bless and keep us all in peace.
D-Day Veteran James Earl Arnold
Whenever we can, we honor and thank veterans for defending our freedoms. This Article Features James Earl Arnold, a D-Day Veteran. Memorial Day is a federal holiday in the United States that mourns the U.S. military personnel who have fought and died while serving in the United States armed forces. […]
Why Is Local Art And Culture Important?
People who organize and plan art, culture, and historical events and enactments and those who present their unique talents and skills through these events create better communities. It is called “Place Shaping,” according to a new study in England by the Arts Council.
Phantoms And The Great Solar Eclipse 2024
The Great Solar Eclipse of 2024 shone a light on some pretty fun activities in communities along its path. Phantoms of the Lewiston Opera came out of another era just to celebrate.
The Great Solar Eclipse
Where were you during the Great North American Solar Eclipse of 2024?
Iroquois Art & Culture at the Lewiston Art Festival
Presentations by the Niagara River Iroquois Dancers were spectacular. Along with the dances were several colorful explanations of Iroquois Culture and the meaning of the dances.