Beauty and kindness can inspire you everywhere you look. Sometimes, we just pass these things by or give in to the worries of everyday life. But the negative doesn’t quite sting as much when we focus on the positive side. Not that we can bury our heads in the figurative sand, but that by staying calm, somehow the Universe tweaks our moments in unforeseen ways.
Ideas, Insights, and Advice from Experts
A Heart Found In The Sand
Have you ever been in a hard-feeling place? Have you reached for some sort of inspiration, something to cheer you at that moment?
Dreams Are Made Of…
What are Dreams made of? Well, that depends on which dreams you mean. There are dreams we have in sleep. Some are remembered just after we awake. Some seem so movie-like that we try to stay there to discover what will happen next.
Keeping Your Eyeglasses Clear
Have you ever wondered how to keep your glasses sparkling clean? Have you tried some solutions and found they leave a greasy film?
Driving In The Rain
If you keep an open mind, you may find inspirational moments everywhere. There can be an almost eerie beauty to driving in the rain. You are poised, alert, yet peaceful. Ideas come to you. Your mind is in an updraft.
Luck Of The Irish
May The Luck of a Leprechaun’s Touch Be Yours This coming St. Patrick’s Day on Friday, March 17th. Looking for a RAINBOW? Find a parade; that is where the magic is to be had. The Pot of Gold is there, just behind a Leprechaun’s smiling face and waving hand. Perhaps […]
Valentine’s… Meaningful Gifts To Cherish
We are all looking for meaning. Gifts for Valentine’s Day are as varied as the people giving and receiving them. Memories surrounding this cherished day can last a lifetime. Here is a story and a little inspiration in case you need some. GIFTS ARE…Moments like this,Remembering Valentine’sWith loving wishes; the […]
A Cheery Note For A Winter’s Day
Looking out on a winter’s day, many of us wonder what to do. Here is a short list of things to keep yourself busy and positive during these wintery days.
Seasonal Shopping
Where would we be without those special sales that come with the seasons? There are things we all need and want, and when we can get them on sale, well, all the better. Why not find a small town or village within a city near you and have a look […]
Color Yourself Happy This Holiday Season
Have you started your Christmas shopping, or are you wondering how you will manage to stretch your dollars during this inflationary period? Here are ideas to help you Color Everyone Happy this Season. Included in this post It is Gift Giving Season again. You can do so many things to […]