You have been missing out if you haven’t listened to the angelic musical compositions by Clarisse on her channel, Dream Sounds!
Clarisse, the multi-talented composer, pianist, and singer behind Dream Sounds, is a gentle soul who loves music and art to the core of her being. She epitomizes the psyche of an artist. She tunes into something otherworldly and ethereal, then translates her feelings in this infinite Consciousness into music. Read on to learn more about Dream Sounds’ composer, her life, how she creates her music, and how it helps so many people.

“I want you to feel at peace. That is why I began Dream Sounds to offer a space for you to rebalance the relationship between your mind and body through beautiful and calming music. I have composed each note intending to offer you an aural respite from the noise of everyday life.”
Yes, and when you listen to Dream Sounds by Clarisse, you feel something that touches the very inside of your soul. It’s transformational…

Listening to music is, in many ways, tapping into the character of the composer or performer. Music in its best form is an uplift, while it can also be a downdraft representing either the dark thoughts of the artist or the darkness they wish to communicate. As an artist, I need to keep a peaceful atmosphere around me so that my best words or art can come through.
“I love music, but I often can’t listen for long as it sometimes triggers feelings of loneliness or melancholic sadness. However, listening to the music of Dream Sounds by Clarisse is just the opposite. Her music can take me from a sense of sadness or anxiety to a feeling of calm, love, and peace in only minutes.” Trina
It has been known through the ages that many artists are somewhat private individuals, reluctant to be “out there.” Birthing their art into the world, their hearts on their sleeves, and yet reticent to hinder that unearthly transmission of the divine. When a gift comes through, however, in whatever form, from music to painting or poetry, an artist must obey, for it is to be given further than just themselves.
How else does the divine speak to us but through his children? Yet many times, it is the artists who are listening!
Like the famous Michael Jackson said, “I wake up from dreams and go, ‘Wow, put this down on paper.’ The whole thing is strange. You hear the words; everything is right there in front of your face. And you say to yourself, ‘I’m sorry, I just didn’t write this. It’s there already.’ That’s why I hate to take credit for the songs I’ve written. I feel that somewhere, someplace, it’s been done, and I’m just a courier bringing it into the world. I really believe that. I love what I do. I’m happy at what I do. It’s escapism.” (Michael Jackson – Life in the Magical Kingdom, Rolling Stone, 17 February 1983)
Yes, there is so much noise in our everyday lives, but Dream Sounds can help us find some uplift and calm. If you have trouble sleeping, plug into Dream Sounds and drift peacefully into a deep, dreamy sleep.
Falling asleep to Dream Sounds.
Like my experience, mid-listening, you might drift off and sleep more peacefully than ever. You may dream you are in the middle of a flower garden, sitting at a small table set for tea with a lace parasol shading you and a friend—the warm sunshine glints through the lace, dappling your faces with light. You sip sweet Sassafras tea and watch interestingly as a ladybug lands on your white glove-covered hand.

Your tea companion smiles as if to say, “How delightful, my dear, what good luck is coming your way. Everyone knows ladybugs are good luck!”
Mid-dreaming, it’s like you are in a classical romance movie. Your friend chatters away, uttering pleasantries as she lifts a frosted lavender scone from a pink and white plate. A question crosses your mind like a waft of summer air, “What am I doing in this place of fantasy?”
But as soon as the question arises, you look at your surroundings and your companion’s attire and realize, “Oh, of course, I’m in Gossamer Cottage Garden, wherever that may be?”
It all seems perfectly natural as you bite into a sweet buttery scone.
Time is nowhere here, yet the changing cyan sky to magenta-grey and gold seems to say the sun is about to set. You notice people coming along the path towards you, waving and smiling. They beckon you to go with them to dance on a green-blue pond where watery reflections play under your feet.
Suddenly, the scene shifts, and you find yourselves in the moonlight, surrounded by fireflies while violin-playing crickets chirp away. Then, something whispers in your ear. How profound you think, yet abruptly wake and wonder where you are?
Half awake, you struggle to go back to this otherworldly place that feels like the home you have always belonged in. It seemed so utterly real.
Now awake, the music of Dream Sounds and its portrayal of the sounds of nature mingling with chords on the piano somehow bring you back refreshed and renewed.
Who is this maker of Dream Sounds who can comfort us with sound? Who is Clarisse?

In Clarisse’s words, she was first drawn to the piano when she was five years old.
“I heard the older sister of a school friend practicing the piano while I was at her home for a playdate. Because I was so fascinated with her playing, the older sister taught me my very first piano song, “Hot Cross Buns,” and with that, my love of the piano was ignited.” Clarisse.
“Hot cross buns, hot cross buns
One a penny, two a penny
Hot cross buns
Give ’em to your daughters,
Give ’em to your sons.,
One a penny, two a penny.
Hot cross buns.Hot cross buns, hot cross buns
One a penny, two a penny
Hot cross buns.”
Excerpt from the Hot Cross Buns Song by The Countdown Kids ‧ 1905
Clarisse Begins Music Lessons
Clarisse began piano lessons at age five. Her teacher taught her to love everything about the piano. “My piano teacher was perfect for me; she was calm, brilliant, and inspiring.”
When Clarisse was only ten, she began writing songs at home. She found this was another way to express her thoughts as well as through words.
“I remember writing one of my first pieces and how nervous I felt about sharing it with my piano teacher. When I did, she was so encouraging and supportive that I felt comfortable to keep writing. It is uncanny how things we do early-on carry through later in life. One of my first songs sounded similar to the style I would later adopt for Dream Sounds” Clarisse
Guided by her love of music, Clarisse began taking vocal lessons when she was thirteen. Later, during a pivotal time, she decided to seriously pursue singing, which led her to take two post-secondary degrees as a singer and later work as a professional singer for a few years.
“There’s something so sacred about singing. From the breath of your own body, you create a wholly unique sound that floats into the world and has the power to move the hearts and souls of those who hear it. Not only that, but the creator of this sound literally changes mentally and physically by creating it. Singing is life, and I’m so grateful for all the moments that have included using my voice as an instrument.”
Clarisse fully believes that learning to sing can change how any instrumentalist plays.

“When I write and record for Dream Sounds, I always sing along with the right-hand melodies to help me with musical phrasing, but also because I can’t help it…haha! Yes, it’s true, I can’t help singing all the time, even to the sound of dishwashers making machine noises or the sound of car horns in the distance. Sometimes, even the wind has music in it; all you have to do is listen for it.” Clarisse.
Clarisse says she is a huge lover of a good and catchy melody. Growing up, she listened to everything from pop and rock to classical and jazz.
“It was pop that really caught my attention. I think I’ve always emphasized writing tuneful melodies because of my penchant for pop music and because I’m a singer. I want to be able to sing along to a piece of music, even if it’s instrumental! Is that too much to ask?” Clarisse.
The Creation of Dream Sounds
Clarisse found that fully immersing herself in a singing career was not what she thought it would be. She felt there was something more.
“I had always imagined being part of something that included my love of music creation, but at that time, it wasn’t happening.” Clarisse
Clarisse began focusing on creating relaxing music videos. “I wanted to help people during the various moments in their lives, the difficult and the joyful. I’m glad when people tell me they find Dream Sounds does this for them; it soothes them during challenging times and helps celebrate the good times, too.“
“I started combining my piano compositions with peaceful sounds of nature, some vocalizing and humming sounds to create soothing musical soundscapes. I discovered that the calming effect of my music could help those who have difficulty sleeping. Sounds from nature are particularly soothing.”
“In 2018, I decided to release one video of a few piano compositions on YouTube and see how I felt.
Dream Sounds as a brand was born!”
That first video turned into more than 300 videos, and over 1,500 compositions listened to today under my Dream Sounds Brand. “There’s no going back now!”
What do people tell you about their experiences with Dream Sounds?
“While many people tell me they use my music to fall asleep, others say they use it to relieve stress, as background music while studying and doing work, or even to set certain moods for various events.
One person commented that they played my music while giving birth to their baby…wow!”
Dream Sounds is now available on more platforms, beginning with YouTube; Clarisse’s music can now be heard on Spotify, Apple Music, and Amazon Music.
“One thing that is very important for me as a creator is making an environment where people feel safe and loved. I put so much love into my music, hoping it will filter into the lives of anyone who listens and watches. Know that when you come to listen to my music, I genuinely care about you and that I also care about the music that I put into the world for you.”
Clarisse talks about her Writing Process and Music.
“When I’m at the piano writing, it’s like my world stops. It isn’t easy to explain, but when I get an idea, I hear and feel the music first. Then it flows through to my heart and into my voice or my fingers on the piano …all I have to do is trust and let it out.” Clarisse
Clarisse has released sixteen albums and is working on more in the future. She says she’s enjoyed making each of them, but a few stand out, such as Sundial, Innocence, and Secret Worlds.
“My most popular album to date is Dream Sounds, Volume 2, which includes all sorts of sounds from nature alongside the piano music.” Clarisse
One September Morning…
“The melody for the song, September Morning, from Dream Sounds, Volume 2, came to me while I was visiting a lakeside cottage. While out swimming one morning, the wind was absolutely whipping, and the waves on the lake seemed almost like those on the ocean. I wanted to feel the power of the waves so I decided to swim into them at that moment, and while the water crashed down around me, my mind became entirely free ...the melody for September Morning suddenly emerged. As quickly as I could get out of the cold water, I ran to my phone and sang the tune as a voice memo melody to remember it for the next time I was near a piano!
The rest is history.“
Listen to September Morning on Spotify.
The Creation of Music
“For the longest time, I have fully believed that the music for every song already exists in the universe and is just waiting to be discovered. As a sculptor must carve their creation out of stone, a composer must sculpt music from the silence around them. The next time you’re humming a tune you don’t recognize, you might consider you’re really tapping into the infinite musical possibilities of the universe!” Clarisse
Where do you see Dream Sounds in the future?
“In the future, I hope Dream Sounds continues to grow. I love it when people share their thoughts with me on how they experience my music and how their hearts are touched when listening to it. It is such a blessing to be a part of what I call the Dream Sounds Community. I look forward to working hard every day to make it the best it can be for everyone, And as I say each time I post a new video: “Sending you lots of love,” –Clarisse xo
Where can people find your music?
Visit Clarisse’s Website: – listen, follow, and connect on the channels below.

“I am humbled daily by the supportive and kind words of those who find that Dream Sounds helps them. If my music can help someone, it has been worth it!
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