If you keep an open mind, you may find inspirational moments everywhere. There can be an almost eerie beauty to driving in the rain. You are poised, alert, yet peaceful. Ideas come to you. Your mind is in an updraft, helping you tune into your better self.
Yes, inspirational moments can float in almost unawares.

What hope is there for that thing? One wonders… And then breaks a Rainbow upon the scene as if from some unearthly place. Suddenly your thoughts embrace some other hope.
Trina Astor-stewart
Every now and then, you drive along life’s highway just taking in the scenery, not really paying too much attention, and then suddenly, the scene changes, and right there, in the middle of the road, appears the beauty of a rainbow! A double rainbow at that! What a lovely ‘sign’ it was as we traveled home from a jaunt to the city. I grabbed my camera and started to capture the magic of the moment.
Looking for Inspiration Can Hasten Its Appearance…
It helps when you are not driving, so you can let your mind wander off, trusting the driver to bring you safely to your destination. But there have been times when driving alone, you have to give yourself a shake, and the rain says, “Pay Attention.”
Inspiration may come as you watch eerie and beautiful scenes pass you by as you drive along in silence, deep in thought. Perhaps some circumstance grasps you, perhaps something someone said, perhaps some trouble you are facing.
The rain, the mood, and the eeriness of it all provide a sort of melancholy of the moment. We all have moments when we wish things would go along better. The mind chatters away, going over what he said or she said and wondering if you could have responded differently.
Things can look weary as you ride along.
Driving in the rain can also inspire some melancholy moments as your mind wanders to things that have happened. The poem below was written just after a long ride home when some worry crept in. I hope this poem might speak to you as the words spoke to me as they wafted into my consciousness from some faraway ethereal place of inspiration, where there are no troubles or worries, and all is well.
But then, what are these small torments that drive us here and there, if not to ponder and perhaps bring us light in another direction? They take up space in our heads, wondering how we can return to harmony. We are reminded of a passage by turning to a better thought and listening.
Is there “healing in His Wings”? Malachi 4:2 Then a rainbow appears, and everything is good again! Writing a poem is sometimes a cathartic way to express your feelings and move on.
Sticks and Stones
“Sticks and Stones can break my bones,
But words can never hurt me.”
So goes the rhyme in school with tones
And chants to ward off bullies.But with time and reason
This is not really so
For wounds do heal, but words put on
A strangle on the heart, deep down, never letting go.“The Law of Kindness” breaks the spell
That seems to bind one to the hurt.
It starts with softer words that tell
A better story, some kinder words out-pouring, blurt.Slowly, gently, a soul is healed.
The whole ground is watered, somehow perfumed,
Releasing me even as I bent down and kneeled.
Peace within again as if the unkindness never happened.Let me be watchful of my tongue
That never should it mutter
Words that upon another might lunge
But surely stop, mid utter…And change to impart a kinder way.
Let my ears too un-hear
What someone else unkind might say
Forgiving in this instant, here.Freeing me …and them.
Allowing that sweetness for which we yearn
To come instead and then
Blooms our heart’s garden, again.From icy rain and inner cold
To spring and blossoms, loving spirits kindred
Grace is here, a new rhyme is told;
The very air is new, with scents of gold and red.A harmony prevails
Like peace walking arm in arm
Why even memory does fail
To find even a hint of former harm.Kindness now abides
Trina Astor-Stewart
Forever in and around the spaces
Between the moments wherein we reside
Creating a home in all our places.
“And on her tongue is the law of kindness.” Proverbs 31:26
Sometimes, giving a gift of kindness and love to a friend transforms how they feel about themselves and draws them closer to God’s love.

May your day be inspired and beautiful. May every little torment inspire you to find a solution. May everyone feel loved and cherished by you today.