When you walk up to the front door, you know what kind of people live here. What makes you feel comfortable about the outside face of a home? It is not always the most gorgeous home that is the most welcoming. Sometimes, the humblest of homes let you know you want to enter. Here are some stunning examples of houses with amazing entrances that say, Welcome Home!

Some houses pretend to be a little shy yet beckon you to look through the fence, where your eyes are led up a flower path to a simple porch where you imagine sitting with a cup of tea and a cookie.
More flowers artfully bloom along the path as look-a-like ladies in pink ruffled skirts that you imagine might start dancing as you pass them by. The profuseness of florals says, enter here, and you will find an avid gardener who bids you rest your eyes a while.

I’m not sure where I read this recently, but looking at flowers and pastoral scenes rests our eyes and makes us feel calm.

Some stately old homes invite you to enter through a tree-lined laneway. And even if you have never lived in such a place, for some reason, just looking makes you feel like you’ve arrived home.

This home, with its yellow clapboard and white pillars on both the main floor and the upstairs balcony, sure looks inviting. I can just imagine sitting and chatting on the verandah with a dish of homemade ice cream with our hostess, who excitedly shares our mutual genealogy with us in great detail. This being the ancestral home no-less.

Here is another stately old home with a lovely garden. It has been saved from progress and is at home in a newer suburban neighborhood.

Somehow, you can tell two little girls, maybe twins, live in this house. You can imagine them sitting there playing with their toys and dolls while mom or dad sits a little ways off, reading a book and enjoying the moment, listening to the childhood chatter of their little girls.

Then perhaps you remember this prim and proper house on your block. Perhaps you and your friends were often invited in for warm, fresh cookies from the oven. Memories of such times never leave you.

Or this modern bungalow with flower pots on either side reminds you of happy times.

Somewhere in our distant memories, we’ve all walked by this blue charmer. I think Dennis the Menace’s, Mr. Wilson lives here. Everything is in a perfect spot. Although Dennis may have had some other memories, our Mr. and Mrs. Wilson were great friends of all the children in the neighborhood. Once you walked through that garden gate with your friends, well, you were always WELCOMED!