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Last-Minute Holiday Shopping

May your Christmas and Holidays bring you boxes filled with Love, Friends, Family, Faithfulness, and Cheer! “Tis the Season for Elves carrying gifts Zooming in with delightful Boxes of Merriment and Frivolity Giving our spirits a mid-winter lift! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, Let’s all do something fun to hold dear!” […]
Butterfly Lady ready to take the bounce and fly.

Poetic Inspirations Are Everywhere

Beauty and kindness can inspire you everywhere you look. Sometimes, we just pass these things by or give in to the worries of everyday life. But the negative doesn't quite sting as much when we focus on the positive side. Not that we can bury our heads in the figurative sand, but that by staying calm, somehow the Universe tweaks our moments in unforeseen ways.