Many women find that, as they get older, they don’t feel “sexy.” A different perspective will show that there’s still plenty of room for love and passion in your life. With a new view of yourself, you can experience more self-confidence. Seeing yourself as a sexually attractive woman is the first step. Here are some ideas that can assure you feel as sexy and desirable as ever.

Feel confident in your body.
Take the time to ensure you feel comfortable and confident in your body. Show yourself a little self-care, from investing in your skincare, haircare, and grooming to updating your wardrobe with a new look. Engage in regular exercise tailored to your body’s needs and capabilities. Physical activity promotes overall health, improves posture, and increases body confidence, all of which contribute to feeling sexy. The more vital you feel, the easier it is to connect with that sensual side of yourself.
Be a flirt.
Get it out of your head that you’re not supposed to be flirtatious and playful with your partner or the people that you’re attracted to. Show yourself some self-love, allow yourself to have some fun, and focus on staying positive and spreading that positivity around. You are more likely to find that the attention you give your partner might make them more likely to do so in kind, which can rekindle that bond.
Take care of your sexual health.
Our body undergoes many changes, and taking the time to address those can help you unlock feelings that might be otherwise long dormant. You can work with your doctor to help you undergo hormone therapy, for instance, as shown at Cedars Sinai, which can improve your libido. You might also want to talk about issues of discomfort and vaginal dryness. Some aids and tips can help you enjoy the kind of sexuality that you want out of life.
Consider wearing something sexy.
A new look can help you feel more confident and visually attractive. Still, when it comes to the bedroom, you should also consider the accoutréments meant to specifically highlight your desirability in a more sensual setting. There’s no wrong time to look at brands with a wide range of lingerie, plus sexy dresses, skirts, and more to fit all sizes and figures. A little spice in the bedroom can help you set the right mood. Feeling beautiful and confident in yourself is 90% to being where you want to be. With a little extra pampering, you can unlock your sexiest self once again.
Talk about intimacy with your partner.
It’s important to stay passionate, but just as important to communicate openly and honestly about your need for intimacy with your partner. Take the time to talk about sex with them, whether you’re having enough, what you want from it, and how you can help them get what they want from it, as well. Engaging in sweet Pillow Talk can be one of the sexiest conversations that create the real results you are looking for. Consider that either your or your partner’s upbringing regarding talking about being sexy may have been through a lens of old-fashioned puritan-like morés. If that is the case, you both need to have patience with your partner and even seek professional advice if need be. Sometimes, people know what they need to feel sexier but are too timid to say so. Comfort with discussing sex can be vital to unlocking what may seem to be inhibiting you.

Our relationship with our bodies and intimacy will change as we age. Be kind to yourself and your partner, and seek professional advice.