A new way to think about SEO – It’s about your Service, Expertise, and Organizational abilities to promote your business. How do you publicize your business and attract more clients, buyers, attendees, and customers for your products and services? Are you an expert in your field? How do you let people know? Marketing has changed over the past few years and is about to change again. Are you ready?

Think of SEO as a way to give your customers the best Service and the most up-to-date Expertise in your field, all backed up by an Organization that hums along harmoniously, growing and meeting the needs of everyone involved.
Don’t get stuck in patterns that don’t yield results. The key to business success is staying fresh and up to date. You might have all the building blocks ready and be a bright and shining flower, but marketing is getting people to see what you can do for them. So, it’s time to have fresh ideas for publicizing your services, products, and more.
As you know, SEO refers to Search Engine Optimization. With a little understanding, you can see how the practice of giving service, using your expertise, and having a focused organization principle can impact marketing online.
Are you talking to a Search Engine or People?
SEO is often thought of as placing content in order to get to the top of search engine results. In many cases, that means talking to an AI, a bot, a spider, or an algorithm crawling your pages to see if you have what they understand to be the right code, keywords, and other information that the hungry engine is looking for.
Consultants will say that quality and authoritative content is the number one driver of your search engine rankings. This is true; however, you need to realize who you are talking to. Algorithms or People? Authoritative quality content can be viewed in an entirely different way by either of these.
KEYWORDS, keywords, and more keywords. Have you ever visited a website peppered with the same exact keywords over and over again? What was your reaction? You just clicked away and went somewhere else, right?
It seems algorithms and bots don’t see how a page might look and sound to you, the viewer!
Have you ever looked for a special recipe for, let’s say, gluten-free black bean sauce or how to make a great apple pie? Yup… there you are, trying to miss all the pop-up ads, scroll past more ads, and clickbait to find the ingredients or the actual recipe. So you keep searching, clicking away to find what you are looking for, or you persevere through all the interruptions to find what you searched for.
Or have you tried to search for a news article only to be met with a large banner ad? You do one of two things. You click the X on the top right of the banner and then continue to find the information you seek. Or you mutter under your breath and click away altogether, wondering why you should bother subscribing if they won’t let you even read a little first?
Michigan Tech has some great information on “Best Practices for SEO Marketing.” It is all good advice, but let’s talk about some tried-and-true ways of talking to people. Ask yourself, “How Am I being of service? or How am I giving value?” Your customers and clients are searching for this so they can make an informed choice. Choose your company or someone else’s.

Showcase what you are selling. Tune into people’s needs for your success!
S = Service is First.
Giving Good Service Starts When A Prospective Customer Finds Your Website.
- When you care enough about your customers, they will care enough to continue doing business with you.
- Make sure your products or services are of high quality. You gain more clients by word of mouth through satisfaction than complaints. Did you know that 89% of customers will likely make another purchase after a good experience?
- Caring Service Sells: Service is an experience the customer remembers.
- Service is listening to any complaints and resolving issues. Empathy means a lot. If your company has a policy of handling complaints competently, you will have a larger percentage of retained customers.
- Service is providing value and understanding your customer’s needs.
- Service is Consistency
- Being Personable and Friendly with customers makes them feel like you understand their needs.
- Practice active listening. Keep good records of your service results and customer satisfaction responses. Think from the customers’ perspective. Ask what is most important to the customer before you tell them about you or your business. Ensure your employees understand that giving the highest quality service means their company continues to enjoy repeat customers.
E = Expertise is the ongoing practice of learning.
- In its simplest terms, expertise combines specific knowledge in a particular field, an ability to solve complex problems, and sufficient experience to be deemed trustworthy.
- Expertise is the distinguishing factor that sets individuals apart, propelling them towards progress and their informed goals and inspiring others to strive for their own expertise.
- Expertise is having the right Skills for the job. Using your expertise every day will win you more clients.
O = Organization moves your company and holds everything together.
- There are several organizational structure models for companies of every size. Because organizational structure often grows with the company’s size, creating an organization capable of change is essential. Plans for the future that inspire everyone involved.
- Marketplace trends and customer preferences change over time. An organization must fulfill its customers’ needs while providing efficiency in operations, a good working environment for employees, and a culture of growth for individuals at every level. Every organization has a hierarchy of individuals and functions that, when understood and placed harmoniously, serve to drive actions to achieve goals and continually improve or maintain efficiency that assures business outcomes.
- Formalizing your company culture with an appropriate structure, set processes, and policies creates a firm foundation from which to grow and, rather than hindering growth through spontaneity, offers a foundation from which to enhance ideation, which can launch the company forward.
- An organization should be capable of evolving with current times and technology while being grounded in the successes gained along the way. Knowing at the outset what your organizational culture should comprise is a good vehicle for moving forward.
- Good record-keeping, sound accounting practices, and reliable legal advice are ongoing prerequisites for any organization, regardless of its size or stage of growth. These elements form the backbone of a well-structured and legally compliant organization, providing a solid foundation for growth and sustainability.
- As an organization grows, it will inevitably experience numerous growth pangs during its learning curve. To navigate these challenges, fostering a culture of encouragement, individual independence of thought and operation, and autonomy and empowerment for those at various levels of the organization is essential. This culture will help the organization overcome growth pangs and promote adaptability and resilience.
Cultivating a company that provides service, expertise, and excellent organizational skills is one of the best SEO techniques you can apply. Google’s regular updates encourage writers to provide a superb page experience geared for readers. It is also essential to set standards for your organization to maintain a culture of caring service to your clients while providing them with your expertise.
At Astoria Magazine, we focus on readers first and create great content they will enjoy reading. We try to provide plenty of varied articles and overall great article pages.