A question and answer interview “What is Deep Energy Transformation with Dr. Donn Jay Wiedershine MD.
Tag: New York
Lissa Marie Redmond, Crime Fiction Writer
Lissa Marie Redmond, author of Crime Fiction. Formerly in law enforcement, she keeps her fans on the edge of their armchairs long into the night reading.
Lewiston Marble Orchard Ghost Walk
You won’t want to miss this immersive Theater-in-the-Streets Presentation by Marble Orchard Players
Phantoms And The Great Solar Eclipse 2024
The Great Solar Eclipse of 2024 shone a light on some pretty fun activities in communities along its path. Phantoms of the Lewiston Opera came out of another era just to celebrate.
The Great Solar Eclipse
Where were you during the Great North American Solar Eclipse of 2024?
Art As Addiction Therapy
Harmonizing Recovery: Art and Music Therapy Impact on Addiction A guest post by Theresa McArthur The journey toward overcoming addiction is enriched and illuminated by the transformative power of art and music therapy. As pillars of hope in the addiction recovery landscape, these therapies offer more than mere diversion; they […]
Secrets Of The Ghosts Of Marble Orchard!
A baby whimpers in the dark. ‘Hush!” Her mother glares yet quickly embraces the frightened little one to comfort and keep her from giving them all away… Slave catchers are lurking everywhere!
The Marketside Restaurant Discovery In Niagara Falls
About the Marketside Restaurant in Niagara Falls, NY
Fun At Lewiston Art Festival
Over 170 Artists and Vendors are usually on display at the Lewiston Art Festival each summer. Once again, the Lewiston Council on the Arts outdid themselves! The middle of the road was the best place to walk through Lewiston, NY, and see all the booths and events, and the sidewalk […]