The Grace Of Teatime

Have you noticed? There is a revival happening of the old-fashioned “TEA.”

The fun of tea parties

Recently a little niece who attends kindergarten was asked to bring her aunts and grandmothers to an old-fashioned Tea. So off we went, dressed in our best, with heads adorned with hats or Fascinators. Little Amy was very pleased. She had been learning table manners along with her other class members.

We all sat around the tiny little tables decorated with paper cut-outs, a few flowers from the roadside, and some doll teacups and chinaware that had been contributed from each child’s toy chest. Boys also got into the act with little figurines of horses, dogs, chickens, and action figures of one kind or another.

The conversation was brisk, with the children trying to outdo each other.

“We whipped the cream for the cakes!”

-little girls at a tea party

“We whipped the cream for the cakes!” chimed a group of little girls as they dished out tiny spoonfuls onto each of our fancy little plates, upon which were tiny morsels of cake.

Little boys followed with baskets of candies to hand out, making sure to stop and inform each of us about some historical happening they were learning about. Wagon trains, pioneers, and how to grow corn, squash, and beans like American Indians and First Nations Peoples used to do. It was all very civilized!

Time to bring this age-old custom back into your life. Add a little grace to your life.

Setting a tea table can be an excellent opportunity to use all the treasures so lovingly handed down to you. Just having a tea display in your home can be a decorating opportunity.

A TEA is graceful and elegant, yet cozy and intimate. This Sunday Afternoon Ritual or special occasion pastime is coming back into vogue. Sitting around a table decorated with lovely accouterments and delicious bite-sized treats invites those at the table to enjoy each other’s company and engage in conversation, an almost lost art.

The Black and White Set – Lynde House Museum Tea

There is something soulful about setting the table for a tea party.

Something in our psyche draws us to enjoy sitting at a table with friends and relatives. These days you can see people from every walk of life gathering at coffee shops and restaurants to enjoy a snack or meal and each other’s company.

It is adorable to see the children engaging in things like this that teach history and stories through actions rather than just sitting in their classroom seats and only being told about them.

There is something different about sitting around a table, however small, and engaging in conversation. Too often, we are rushed these days.

Yes, Teatime Parties are becoming popular again!

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