Here is hoping your day, your moments, and your hours are filled with some kind of sweetness, filled with loving thoughts and deeds. Perhaps you will be serenaded with pinks, reds, and fuchsias—all the floral delights of Valentine’s Day. Perhaps it will be some chocolate-covered pink cake, or strawberries dipped to perfection. Or perhaps it will be moments of just holding the hands of someone you love.
Sometimes, you catch a glimpse of it, a fleeting moment you remember always. The real, heartfelt moment often captures you unawares until you think of it later.
This leaf caught my eye one day and inspired a poem.

Love… Is The Color of Your Heart
The heart of a leaf by a window
Perchance outlined by a momentary glow
Draws you close.
Love… is not always a red, red rose.
But perhaps newly sprung
Or everlastingly begun
Feelings renew.
Love… is more like an evergreen hue.
It captures a fleeting moment,
A whiff of what’s important,
An illusive fragrance?
Love… makes your heart skip a beat and dance!
Below is a photograph of the whole plant with just one leaf highlighted by the pattern on the window. Sometimes, messages of love are like that—very unusual and unexpected, something that stops you in your tracks and makes you take a second look.

Enjoy taking in all the love that flows your way today!