New Book Launch. The Empty Throne, 6th in the series The Kingdom At The End Of The Driveway.
Author: Trina Astor-Stewart
Meaning, Relevance, And Values In A Changing World
We mused about many things, including how the youth, our children, will manage to find new ways to make a living in the future.
Lissa Marie Redmond, Crime Fiction Writer
Lissa Marie Redmond, author of Crime Fiction. Formerly in law enforcement, she keeps her fans on the edge of their armchairs long into the night reading.
Solutions Through Service, Expertise, And Organization
New ideas about SEO, using your Service, Expertise, and Organizational abilities to promote your business and attract more clients. Marketing is changing.
Yvonne Rediger, Multi-Genre Author
About Yvonne Rediger, a multi-genre author and adventurer.
Lewiston Marble Orchard Ghost Walk
You won’t want to miss this immersive Theater-in-the-Streets Presentation by Marble Orchard Players
The Black Squirrel Home And Garden Walk
If you have ever wondered how to beautify your neighborhood, here is some inspiration.
Summertime Reading And Relaxing
Relaxing and re-fueling should be a priority—something you do for yourself. Enjoy the breezes, ground out on the grass, and listen to the sounds of nature around you. Remember these moments of relaxation, and at any moment, you can be transported back, even if it is winter, to this beautiful feeling.
Farmers Market in Niagara Falls, New York
All about Niagara Falls, New York Farmer’s market.
Gluten-Free You Can Do It: Cookbook
Do you follow a gluten-free diet? Are you always looking for something yummy you can eat? Trina Astor-Stewart’s new cookbook, Gluten-Free, You Can Do It -will change your life.