What are Dreams made of? Well, that depends on which dreams you mean. There are dreams we have in sleep. Some are remembered just after we awake. Some seem so movie-like that we try to stay there to discover what will happen next.
Some dreams are mundane flashes of thoughts -the things that make our moments during the day. Some dreams are inspirational and can even be Muse-like.

Dreams Can Give You Wings!
Sometimes, I have been working on a problem only to wake up with the answer. I’m sure you have, too, and what a gift that is!
Other dreams are recurring, some pleasant, some nightmare-like. I have several recurring themes in my nighttime dreams. In one such dream, I am looking to urgently find my mother. After this frantic searching, I seldom find her adding much to a sad waking. I reason that these dreams are based on missing her terribly. Even though she passed away so long ago, my mind can’t resolve her sudden loss.
The other kind of dream can represent your heart’s secret desire. You may have a goal that is a dream for a short while or one that runs through your whole life. Sometimes, you share these dreams with another; sometimes, they linger just below the surface of your soul.
The word, soul, brings up a new realization. The soul of us makes us entirely different from an AI Computer. No matter how much computing power they may have. Tools they are. But not dreamers!
Recently, I watched some YouTube videos about the impressive strides made in recent years in developing lifelike robots. These robots have real-looking features, soft skin, and eyes that quiver, blink, and speak to us and more.
Yes, we speak with our eyes. It takes split seconds to communicate with one another. We hardly know it is happening since it is all a natural phenomenon. The mouth can smile and account for many emotions, but we can feel the difference between a smile and a smirk if the eyes don’t agree.
These AI computers are programmed with expressions based on our own eyes. These characteristics mean they can communicate with us in ways we never thought possible. They say that robot companions are also mourned by their human owners when they eventually break. Connections formed over time are as keen as with an alive and breathing pet. There is something to be thankful for in the future for those who live alone and may have physical restrictions that a robot can fulfill.
It is also hopeful to realize that studies have been conducted in the industry. Mundane tasks can be almost eliminated, but contrary to humans just settling down like couch potatoes, they take up art and music and pursue their dreams through education. Human beings become programmers. Since there is a shortage of those, they now start children as early as two learning program languages alongside the ABCs.
Robots can now change and grow and perform all kinds of intricate tasks. Programmed to progress through learning, they tap into a central hub with automatic upgrades and downloads, just like the laptop I am using to write this blog. With AI, we are entering the dream world of programmers. Thankfully, we humans still have the edge. Creativity comes with flow and originality, plus a little serendipity that comes from we know not where!
The future is bright; we will just be using different tools.
Here is a goal-oriented desire if I have ever heard of one. In Japan, high school students are taking robotics classes and programming their AI creations to clean their rooms!
One of my dreams would be to have such a model. Let it clean the house so I could muse, write, and draw pretty pictures without stopping to tidy up. I think I would still cook and bake, however. These are creative pursuits that result in delicious food. However, robots can also be taught to cook for those who only like to eat, or so I hear.
I would also continue gardening activities that get me out in the fresh air and keep me exercising. Perhaps I could just enjoy the beauty of the flowers and vegetable produce. I could take a few photographs or paint the most delightful examples of flora and fauna. But then, reconsidering this dream goal, perhaps an AI that would weed would be nice…
Your goal dreams may be entirely different from mine. No two of us are the same. For example, things that “float my boat” don’t appeal to my engineer-minded neighbor, who is always building things, fixing, tinkering, and making load-banging noises. Thank goodness, given a challenge of that sort, building intricate stuff, I will immediately ask for help.
Dreams that come through our souls sit softly, awaiting our listening hearts. These dreams are made of ethereal weblike wonders that waft by us. We hardly notice sometimes. Then, if you are keen to listen, it can feel like something you can hardly explain in anything but a poem.
Such is the moment when this poem began its journey from the nether reaches of my soul, endeavoring to express itself.
Just Then
It happened on a sunny day in spring;
It was a spur of the moment thing
When, just then, fluttered by a Flowery wing.
Appearing like a butterfly
It floated freely, oh my…
Was it some Divinity twinkling by?
Did it come to lift our state of mind;
To make this fleeting moment unwind
And give some Hope to this soul of mine?
Wafting, gliding, floating, such a regal Monarch.
Effortless it sank, then rose, in a steady arc
Alighting silently upon a blue Ceanothus Skylark.
Just then, I thought of you, my friends,
Praying that you find Peace to Transcend
Whatever trials. Angels are here to mend,
And bless you today
While quietly melting away
Your troubles, for Love, is here to stay.
Trina Astor-Stewart
May today bring you dreams of all sorts that float by and lift your wings to soar. Settling only when you find a pleasant pasture filled with wild things that amuse your soul.
Have a fun day… Dream up some new ideas.
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