Jefferson Knapp Author

A Kingdom At The End Of The Driveway

A New Book Release! The Empty Throne, Jefferson Knapp’s 6th Book in the Series, is now available.

Do you have a kingdom at the end of your driveway? If you had an imagination like Jefferson Knapp, you might, too! The Driveway has delighted elementary school children for years. Now, the final book, The Empty Throne, is here!

School children in grades three to six are thrilled that “The Empty Throne” is now available! Pssst, the older senior students who snuck out copies are also!

New Book Collaboration Release.

A new book called ONE DREAM IN FRONT OF THE OTHER by Brandon Aubrey with Jefferson Knapp. “Book summary – What do you do when you get so close to a dream only to see it unfulfilled? What if you knew a bigger dream was right around the corner? Brandon Aubrey’s One Dream in Front of the Other will give young readers inspiration on the journey through Aubrey’s life story.” 

Buy it at Kraken Books

School Visits with Jeff

Jefferson Knapp is often asked to speak to classrooms of avid readers of his books. Farangis, a character in his first book in the series, The Brave Journey, accompanies him to the classrooms as an animatronic version of the 25-foot python. The author of this article recently found “Farangis,” now having grown horns with his head sticking out of the ground at a vegetable farm called the Art Farm in Campbellford, Ontario, Canada. Pictured here, he appears to be about to devour some buckets and a watering hose before he slithers into the ground and disappears again.

The Empty Throne – Synopsis

Two houses connected by a driveway have just suffered the mysterious kidnapping of their children! With no answers available, despair fills the air in the kingdom and the Biggs’s home. Hope, however, remains in Persly’s Woods as Benjamin and his group of animal friends are back together for the first time since the incident in Farangis’s barn. Are they prepared to confront the monstrous presence that has been hiding from the very beginning? The time has come for the final adventure to save Haverhill and rid the evil once and for all. The past must meet up with the present to answer all the unsolved mysteries left behind from the J.Q. Lazarus Traveling Carnival. And if the friends succeed, is the kingdom ready for The Empty Throne?

Jefferson Knapp

A view of Jefferson Knapp from one of his Story Time Videos on YouTube.
One of the Story Time Videos

“Twelve years and two months from when I started writing THE BRAVE JOURNEY, I wrote the last line of the sixth and final book, THE EMPTY THRONE.

It’s hard to say goodbye to these ‘friends’ I’ve had in my head for so many years. They allowed me to use them for a career I never imagined I could have and to share them with kids from all over the USA. They’ve brought so many smiles to children who never liked to read. Even scared a few along the way, too!
This series has unfolded a BIG story. The Empty Throne ties it all together, and the little things that your eyes may have passed by will now have meaning.

Though this series is over, just like that…
New stories are already running through my head, seeking the pen and page”.

Jefferson Knapp


“The students and teachers thoroughly enjoyed his stories and adventures of his childhood. One of our favorite parts of his presentation was his replica of the snake, Farangis. Jefferson is a great motivational speaker and storyteller. He kept the students excited about his books and encouraged them to read. The kids couldn’t wait to read his books after his presentation.”

Cathy Gilbreth, Media Specialist, Mountain Pine Elementary, Mountain Pine, Arkansas.

Kids find it hard to believe that Jefferson was just an ordinary schoolboy. His school presentations have inspired children to feel they can grow up and succeed.

“If I told you this book was full of action and mystery with talking animals, you’d probably laugh. “The Hardy Boys meets Narnia. Ultimately, my best comparison would be Charlotte’s Web on steroids—creative, unique, memory-evoking steroids.” …about the first book, Brave Journey.

Jaime Simpson of the Augusta Gazette

About “The Kingdom At The End Of The Driveway” Series, by Jefferson Knapp

Published by Kraken Books

“A long-kept secret. The death of a king. A mysterious collar and a hidden kingdom of animals. Benjamin Biggs is called upon to destroy the monster that killed his dog. Can he save the kingdom at the end of the driveway?”

To Purchase these and other books by Jefferson Knapp

Where to find Jefferson Knapp

A resident of Kansas, Jefferson has an exciting career as an author. Kids and big kids love his books. He should have a swollen head, but no, he sounds rather humble. He is loved by his adoring family and fans.

Join Kids Storytime with Jefferson On Youtube

Find him on Goodreads. On Amazon at Jefferson Knapp books.

Jefferson Knapp on Facebook

The Kingdom At The End Of The Driveway – A Book Series by Jefferson Knapp

Hey Kids! Why not find out if you have a Kingdom at the end of your driveway?

 “I Believe in You,” by Tom Osborne and co-author Jefferson Knapp. Illustrated by Sergio Drumond. Published by Kraken Books Ltd. A coach that believes in you is invaluable. This book illustrates Coach Tom Osborn’s life and impact on his students.


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